Clémentin Boittiaux

I am a research engineer at IMAGINE research group, hosted at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.

Previously, I did my PhD at Ifremer, attached to COSMER and LIS laboratories, working on visual localization for deep-sea long-term monitoring.

My research involves deep learning, 3D vision, and simplified physics-informed image processing.

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SUCRe: Leveraging Scene Structure for Underwater Color Restoration 3DV 2024

Clémentin Boittiaux, Ricard Marxer, Claire Dune, Aurélien Arnaubec, Maxime Ferrera, Vincent Hugel

Use SfM/MVS dense reconstruction to recover the colors of underwater images.

  arXiv project page   code
Eiffel Tower: A Deep-Sea Underwater Dataset for Long-Term Visual Localization IJRR 2023

Clémentin Boittiaux, Claire Dune, Maxime Ferrera, Aurélien Arnaubec, Ricard Marxer, Marjolaine Matabos, Loïc Van Audenhaege, Vincent Hugel

The dataset presents four dives on the Eiffel Tower hydrothermal vent over a five-year period. We provide images, navigation data and a unified SfM ground truth.

  arXiv   code   dataset
Homography-Based Loss Function for Camera Pose Regression RA-L 2022ICRA 2023 oral

Clémentin Boittiaux, Ricard Marxer, Claire Dune, Aurélien Arnaubec, Vincent Hugel

Approximating the reprojection error through homographies addresses differentiability issues for camera pose regression in deep learning applications.

  arXiv   code video

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